Open Saturdays 8-10am
Come Join Us
As a non-profit that solely depends upon volunteerism to accomplish our mission, we are thankful for all those who wish to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors who are dealing with food insecurity. Volunteers are critical to Doorways, and we wouldn’t be able to do our vital work without them.
We also welcome short-term volunteers as well as high-school students fulfilling community service hours. There are many different volunteer needs at the pantry. Here is a brief schedule offered to individuals seeking to become involved:
Saturdays from 8-10am - assisting our shoppers
Wednesdays (first and third weeks from 11:30am-1 and second and fourth weeks from 9-11am) – checking expiration dates, restocking and replenishing our shelves; preparing pre-packaged groceries for families
Various dates/times – picking up donated food
To learn more about volunteering at the pantry, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Suzie Miller at
Our Volunteers
Volunteers are the backbone to the management and operations of Doorways and we are grateful for their gifts of time. This list is not intended to be complete but as a representation to showcase the breadth of 100+ volunteers who are currently gifting our organization with their time. Here is a complete list of our Volunteers.
We also wish to express our gratitude to the numerous students from local schools who assist at Doorways on an occasional basis. They are too numerous to mention by name, but their service is appreciated. Please let us know if we missed anyone. Thank you.
Here’s what our neighbors say about our Volunteers
“The people are so nice and make sure I have enough. I am forever grateful for them.”
“The volunteers are very friendly and helpful.”
“They have made us feel like the day is sunny on Saturday mornings.”
“Thank you very much Doorways and thank you for all the people working here. They are very nice.”
“There are no words to describe how wonderful all the volunteers are. They are always helpful and respectful of all of us.”

Our Food Delivery Team
Every first and third Wednesday of the month, our volunteer Food Delivery Team pick up our pre-ordered groceries at The Greater Boston Food Bank and restock our pantry shelves. Thank you to the following volunteers: Norm Bolland, Bob Bostian, Todd Cole, Ted Dziedzic, Bob Karewa, Marty O’Laughlin, Rolland St. Pierre, and Ralph Tomei

A Special Thanks
A special thanks to the Knights of Columbus - Seekonk Council #5108 for donating a pallet jack. This gift makes delivery and stocking easier!
Pictured (L-R) Marty O'Laughlin, Ralph Tomei, and Rolland St. Pierre (who are our truck unloaders as well as Knights), and Robert Karewa, truck unloader.

Our Wednesday Team
Every Wednesday, volunteers check expiration dates, and sort and restock our shelves in preparation for Saturday’s shopping. They also prepare pre-sorted bags for our community. Special thanks to Board member, Diane Fox, for ensuring we are stocked for our community and managing the weekly orders with The Greater Boston Food Bank.
Pictured (L-R), Diane Fox, Maryann Heywood, Cindy Mullen and Mary Small. Not included, Vangy Auclair, Kathy Horton, Peggy Gardiner and Cindy Sousa

South Coast Collaborative Partnership
Special thanks to our partnership with South Coast Collaborative teachers and students. We are grateful for their commitment to our mission and for volunteering each week in breaking down cardboard boxes preparing them to be recycled. We are grateful to share the same roof and be a recipient of their support.
Pictured (L-R) Students Zeke and Max volunteering to break down boxes to recycle.
To learn more about volunteering at the pantry, contact Volunteer Coordinator, Suzie Miller at